Friday 3 May 2013


Nowadays, the worldwide economical situation is being damaged by the broadly known economical crisis. It is needed to say that some countries have been and still are more affected than others. Unfortunately, Spain is one of those where the economical climate has become alarming.

First of all, Spain is one of the countries which belong to the European Union, so, at least, has the support of other countries to try to recover from the current situation. However, the hard reality is that until today there has not been any consistent improvement. Almost every day, in the economical apart of the news, they inform about the amount of people who is unemployed and people who can not cover their costs any more which is a bit depressing.

Secondly, one of the consequences of this situation is that a lot of young people, who have their studies finished, are leaving Spain to try to find a job abroad because of the lack of opportunities in their own cities at the moment. Despite being hard to leave their familiar surroundings, in some cases, is the only way so that they can afford to have the lifestyle that they would like to. Although being positive for these people, if we look further to the future it is not beneficial at all that all the experts and people with degrees will be out of Spain. 
In conclusion, it is clear that  this time of the history is not one of the best for Spain, however, what we ought to think is that since now to the future, the situation only can improve, so, being optimistic is crucial for these days.

Sunday 24 March 2013


Normally, when you hear this word, what comes to your mind is colourful flowers and good weather approaching. However, this year in london it´s as though the spring has dressed up like the winter, wearing snow and freezing low temperatures. Let´s hope that by Eastern the spring will have really arrived so that the days starts to be lighter and brighter. I´m the kind of person that if the sun goes up in the morning I´ll start my day looking at the brights side of everything. So, let´s hope that this wintery spring won´t last too much and the beautiful flowers will start to come out. Well, like always my post goes with some pictures, on this time of   London on winter and spring.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Lovely bed

Have you ever think about how pleasant is just to lie down in your own cosy bed? Probably you don´t, but actually, in my opinion beds are one of the human´s most personal items. You can find a wide range of types of bed depending on size, fabric, colour... and because of this I´d say that every single bed is unique and special for its owner. Even though you have the same kind of bed, the smell and especially, the feeling that it provides you when you´re lying down on it, will be slightly different. As you might imagine, I am writing this post from my lovely bed which means that is time to say good night and turn off the lights.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

My First Post, 26/02/13

Well, it´s not easy to start a blog without knowing what are you going to write about. What makes this post a bit easier is that it´s the first one, which means that there are many things about myself that you still don´t know about. 

Refering to the blog´s name, "Agueda´s room", I´m going to approach to my room, my home, my city. Its name is San Sebastian and it´s located on the north coast of Spain. When I think about it the view of all the bay comes to my mind. The two mountains separated by the sea and a little island called Santa Clara, marked the entrance of the water into the city. On this bay, there are two long narrow beaches full of fine sand where you can admire the landscape lying on the sand and listening to the amazing sound of the waves. Either in summer or in winter, the beauty of the city doesn´t change, the mixture of different colours like blue, green and yellow makes it a magical place.